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Monday, 18 January 2010

No identity - Migration road

These two small boats laying since many weeks on the beach of Pythagorion.The unusual thing is that there is no identity "no name" on the boats, the reason is that the boats are coming from the other side, from Turkey, transfering hoppeless people...


"I have arrived on the Greek Island of Samos to look at one of the main illegal migration paths into Europe. The islands in the Aegean Sea are the new front line, and Samos in particular has become the favoured entry point. Geography is the reason. Stand on the eastern tip of the island and you are only 1km (0.6 miles) from Turkey, where many of the migrants from Afghanistan, Somalia and Iraq head to, hoping to make the final hop across the narrow straits."

This is a part of an article writen in the BBC webside about this sad stories happening daily in Samos. Please read more


  1. I have been on a day trip to Efesos in Turkey, with a boat from Samos, so I know it is just a short journey....
    It is so complicated the hole situation with illegal migration. And it is a BIG buisness for some people who earn a fortune to transport/help the people who are in a desperate situation or just think that everything will be much better when they come to the "rich" Europe. .....

  2. @ Gunn
    I do complitelly agree with your comment,thanks for visiting.

  3. This is a beautiful photograph and a story we need to pay attention to.

  4. Superbe prise de vue !

  5. Such a huge dilemma is illegal immigration...and tragic in so many cases. However, these boats are the subject of an amazing photograph. Such vibrant color and excellent composition here!

  6. It is an interesting post and photo!

  7. Very interesting post and relevant to Australia too, which also has a lot of illegal immigrants attempting to arrive here by boat.
    Sydney - City and Suburbs

  8. Yes, this is a very interesting post and photo. Needless to say, we have the same problem between the US and Mexico. No water route involved, but a long,long border. Have a great week, Benikos!


  9. This is such a common problem and it's hard to blame people for wanting a better life. On the other hand,... Hmmmm.

  10. Hello there! Gosh seems these stories happen in too many places around the world!!! I love your photgraph, though ... great scenery and colours and of course I love boats. I need to post some of my trip to Portugal last year, took hundreds - LOL! well almost anyway!!
    have a great day!
    Gena @ Thinking Aloud
    a photoblog
    South Africa

  11. ....How many sad and tragic stories....!
    TheImmagine is absolutely GORGEOUS and thoughtful!
    Have a wonderful day!
    ciao ciao elvira
